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Institute for Studies of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics
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Institute of The Yangtze River Delta Studies
> Training & Research > Site Visits
Site Visits
Site Visits

  Since its official inception in 2005, CELAP has pushed forward the training of site visits by using its geological advantage. By moving classroom into the forefront of reform and opening-up, CELAP participants could interact lively with local officials and entrepreneurs, who act as teachers during the training. 

  After years of development, CELAP has expanded site-visit teaching among its participants. By mid-2012, the number of sites for on-the-spot training has surpassed 300, which can be found in Shanghai, Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces. Besides, the institution has tapped more than 400 on-the-spot training courses. It also drafted three sets of textbooks for site visits, including the “Red – Historical Mission of CPC,” the “Blue – Upholding Reform and Opening-up,” and the “Green –Scientific Development and All-around Development.”

  CELAP’s on-the-spot training transforms economic and social development experiences into unique teaching resources by moving classrooms outside of campus and turning reform practitioners into teachers. Firstly, a network of site visits has taken shape in Shanghai and Yangtze River Delta. Secondly, site visits focus on the new experiences, new theories and new endeavor in reform and opening-up and the construction of socialist with Chinese characteristics. Thirdly, sites visits emphasize practice and interaction between participants and lecturers. Fourthly, a win-win mechanism has been established between CELAP and local governments.