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> Training & Research > Lab Training > Psychological Adjustment Lab
Party Building Lab
Psychological Adjustment Lab
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Classroom of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era
Thematic Classroom of Pudong Development and Opening Up
Psychological Adjustment Lab
Psychological Adjustment Lab

Soon after it was open, CELAP began to engage in experiment teaching of psychology among participants who study at CELAP. In September 2005, CELAP Psychological Adjustment Lab came into operation. The target of the lab is to enhance participants’ mental health and psychological situation to better fulfill their duties. 

Providing individual teaching and guidance, the lab consists of several study rooms for behavior orientation, psychological interaction, psychological appraisal, musical adjustment, emotion direction, physical and mental feedback and self-cognition.

Given the characteristics and special demand of leaders, the lab offers more than a dozen courses for participants in their mental health study. Lectures include Management of Pressure and Emotions, Mental Health of Public Servants, Mental Health Assessment for Public Servants, Mental Precaution and Management of Massive Incidents. Behavior activities comprise games, music, dances and painting. Many of the lab’s courses are very popular among its students.

The lab also arranges workshops on mental health. In July 2007, the lab and the Organization Department of CPC Shanghai Municipal Committee jointly held a three-day training session on mental health. In 2009, it hosted a two-week-long workshop on mental health for grassroots officials from disaster-stricken areas. Based on the mental health survey, the lab has established a “four-in-one” mechanism that includes psychological assessment, lectures, team training and individual tutorship to deal with the mutual problems among leading officials.

The lab has a professional team on psychological teaching and research, to which well-known psychologist Zheng Richang works as a visiting professor. Moreover, it has conducted fruitful cooperation and exchanges with the Institute of Psychology of China Academy of Sciences, College of Psychology of East China Normal University, Shanghai Society of Psychology, and Shanghai Society of Psychological Consultation.

To better serve the increasing demand for collective teaching, the lab is planning to construct a second phase project with more functions.


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